Thursday, November 29, 2018

The Bomb Hasn't Dropped Yet!

The bomb hasn't dropped yet!

It's been nearly 2 years since we posted on Blogspot/Blogger, so if you've frequented this site in the past, we apologize for abandoning it.

However, we've always existed, recording and uploading to our Soundcloud twice per week! Here is where you can find our podcasts:



We also updated our RSS feed, so we reccommend you subscribe in order to get the latest episodes of the WMD podcast.

And not only do we have a weekly MMA and (sometimes) Sports-centric podcast which we always had, but we also have added a 2nd weekly general topic "WMD Growler Hour" podcast which can also be found in the links above. So if you've enjoyed our banter to get us loose before we talk about fights, the Growler Hour has an entire 60 minutes (give or take) of us talking about life experiences, and society as a whole.

We made a lot of changes, several studio changes to a more bare bones package. We even had to let our beloved producer Chuang Diesel leave the nest of the lab and explore ventures on his own. But Weekly Mason and Derick has always been here to entertain, whether it's on your drive to and from work, in the office, or where ever you listen to podcasts.

Of course, if you have any questions, comments, feedback, you can find us here:



If you've been a loyal listener and have wondered where we've been all this time, you can now resume listening. If you stumbled upon this blog and want to check out a new podcast, you can now do that.

Nevertheless, we hope you continue to enjoy the content, and thanks for listening!


Creative Commons License
The WMD Podcast by WMD Podcast is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

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